About Us
Founder's Story

Parenting is fun & a wonderful experience, but it is not an easy task when it comes to health & nutrition during pregnancy & for little ones.
During our early parenting journey, we faced challenges in sourcing and trusting readily available pregnancy & baby food products. When we asked our friends and some healthcare professionals, we realized that it wasn't just us, but most parents face similar challenges in their parenting journey. That was the seed for startup and we founded "Nutribud Foods" with love & care.
As parents, we know the importance of daily nutrients, and therefore, we make vegan, natural, and nutritional food products for little ones and mothers to fight key nutrient deficiency.
Vision: "To eliminate Iron & Protein deficiencies among Little Ones & Women"
Mission: "To make a positive impact on little ones & women's health by leveraging nutrition into food products. Ultimately making life easier for every new parent with vegan, natural & nutritional products that are easy to cook & lovable to buds"