Apple Carrot Puree For Little Ones (6+ Months)

Fruits & Vegetable purees are a great way to feed nutritional food to little ones. Initially, start with single ingredients puree, and weeks later different combinations of fruits & vegetable purees can be introduced.

One such fruit & vegetable combination is Apple & Carrot. Both are highly nutritional and tasty. 

Apple is a good source of antioxidants, fiber, and other vital nutrients.

Carrot is a good source of beta-carotene. Also contains Antioxidants & Vitamin K1 & other vital nutrients.

Ingredients: Apple, Carrot, & Water


1) Wash apples and carrots thoroughly to remove dirt and unwanted chemicals. Peel the skin of the apple & carrot and wash it one more time. Now peel the skin and cut them into slices. (remove the seeds from the apple)

2) Take a saucepan and place the apple & carrot slices. Add enough water. Let them simmer (steam boil) on a low flame until become soft to be mashed with a spoon. 

3) Once properly cooked, take slices out, mashed a little bit, and allow it to cool down.

4) Transfer cooked & mashed slices to a blender and churn to get a cream-like consistency. (As per the age of the baby you can add water to maintain soup-like/semi-solid consistency)

5) Sieve to remove tiny pieces from the puree. And transfer to a bowl.

6) Add a pinch of Cinnamon, mix well and feed to your baby. Discard the leftover.


Note -- consult your healthcare professional before introducing any new food to your baby.

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