Most parents know that excessive consumption of sugar is not good. However, most parents failed to identify the right products to avoid excessive consumption of additional sugar. Be it chocolates, ice-creams, sweets, cookies, beverages, etc. are known calories that contain a high amount of refined sugar.
Let's take a look at the potential consequences of high consumption of sugar.
Unhealthy Weight Gain / Obesity -- High-sugar food and beverages are also high in empty calories and low in nutrients and fiber. Even processed fruit juices nowadays contain added sugar and lose dietary fiber in the process. Consumption of such kinds of food and beverages is linked to an increased risk of unhealthy weight gain and obesity.
Diabetes (Type-2) -- Excessive sugar consumption can increases the risk to type-2 diabetes. Insulin resistance increases.
Cardiovascular Problems -- Excessive sugar consumption can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems which leads to a higher risk of heart diseases and high blood pressure.
Blood Sugar Level -- Sugar is linked with rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels. Consuming excessive sugar leads to fluctuations in blood sugar levels and can result in energy fluctuations or mood swings.
Fatty Liver -- Excessive sugar consumption increases the chances of fatty liver disease. Mainly caused due to fructose.
Behavirol Changes -- Excessive sugar consumption is linked to certain behavioral issues as per some primary research. Mood swings, hyperactivity, short attention, etc. are some common behavioral issues.
Sugar Addiction -- Some studies suggest that sugar is highly addictive. Excessive consumption increases the cravings for sugary food which leads to unhealthy binge eating.
No Nutrients In Sugar -- Sugar does not give any nutrients and mostly adds empty calories. Opting for high-sugar food or beverages reduces liking & consumption of healthy options.
It is commonly observed that kids exposed to added sugar early tend to like more sugary food and they become picky eater, avoids fruits and vegetables or homecooked meals. That is the reason that parents should avoid added sugar in weaning food and allow kids to develop taste of natural ingredients and food.
Parents should avoid using additional sugar in weaning food and for 2 years refined sugar should be kept away. Jaggery or Dates powder can be used as better alternatives.
Kids should be encouraged to have a balanced diet. Consumption of high sugary foods & beverages should be replaced with better alternatives. Eg. packaged juices with high sugar should be replaced with whole fruits (or at least homemade juices).
It is highly recommended that parents consult professional nutritionist to know more about balanced diet and suitable diet for their kids. Not all kids are same, likewise all have different nutritional needs and requirements.
Along with healthy eating, outdoor actives, good sleep can also be promoted for overall wellbeing. Remember, healthy eating will have a positive effect at the later stage of life.
World Health Organization (WHO) have provided guidelines on daily sugar consumption limits,
Infants & Toddlers (Under 2 years) -- recommended to avoid additional sugar in food & beverages.
Kids & Adolescents (3 - 18 years) -- added sugar consumption should be less than 10% of total daily caloric intake (eg. 2000 calories * 10% = 200 calories = 50grams of sugar)
Adults & Elders (19 Years & Above) -- added sugar consumption should be less than 10% of total daily caloric intake