Motherhood is the most beautiful journey. It brings an immense amount of happiness one can't express. The transition from a woman to a mother is a blessing.
At the same time, the motherhood journey is not easy. It comes with its own set of struggles & challenges.
Childbirth is a demanding experience due to physical and emotional changes. Nurturing a baby comes with sleepless nights & anytime feeding, making the baby sleep & taking care of a newborn is a full-time responsibility of parents.
The postpartum journey is not the same for everyone. Some mothers go through baby blues or feel low, while others go through postpartum depression. Hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, newborn responsibilities, and social pressure sometimes are frustrating.
Having a partner who takes up equal parenting responsibilities is the best thing. And compared to earlier decades, equal parenting with shared responsibilities is highly observed. Changing diapers is not just a mother's job now. After all, it is not just about nurturing a baby but also giving time off to others for self-care. And in the case of a new mother, it is obvious.
New mothers often hide their feelings or are sometimes unable to speak. However, sharing your feelings with your partner and family is a wise thing to do to manage physical & mental health.
New mother often gets free advice, including irritating ones. Not all babies are the same, so one size fits all is not true. A wise piece of advice, ignore the noises and rely on your healthcare professionals.
No mother is perfect, challenges will be there. Motherhood itself is all about learnings and following what is best for your little ones.
The Motherhood journey is a blessing, but know that challenges are real. Keep all worries aside, embrace the change, take the help of your partner & family, and enjoy the beautiful motherhood journey.