Do all fathers truly take part in feeding their babies?

It may be a simple question, but it highlights a necessary mind shift in our understanding of parenting.

At very first, let us understand that breast milk to semi-solids to solids is a transition for babies. And yes, it is a milestone for both, babies and parents. This is the phase wherein babies start exploring new flavors, and textures and are acquainted with different food colors.

At such an important phase, mothers are the ones taking care of the introductions and preparing of the different weaning foods. However, during this phase, the role of fathers is equally important.

By considering the working hours for fathers, there is a good opportunity for fathers to take a lead in preparing and feeding weaning food on weekends and at breastfast time wherein it is possible for working fathers.

Nuclear families today often have both parents working full-time and sharing responsibilities. Fathers are more involved in raising their children than they were in the past.

Even though there are cultural stigmas and societal expectations that cooking is more of a women's role, with the availability of easy-to-make food products like Nutribud Foods sprouted ragi and banana porridge mixes it becomes even easier for fathers to cook and feed.

Feeding a baby is not just about the nutritional needs. It is an opportunity to build a bond with the baby. It fosters father-baby bonding. Fathers who are fully involved feel more connected to the baby's development.

Fathers can learn about weaning foods, nutrition, and food safety. Try to feed one meal a day, which can be a wonderful opportunity, maybe a breakfast before leaving for office as other times may not suit. But to start small, fathers can start preparing and feeding on weekends.

On a broader lens, in reality, to encourage a father's active participation in preparing and feeding weaning food, a shift is required in the mindset, or rather cultural norms need to evolve. Families can be supportive of the change while workplaces can bring policies to accommodate paternity.

Father's involvement in feeding weaning food is an excellent way to increase bonding with the baby and to nurture and support the growth of the baby and family.

Fathers, step up! Take active participation and share responsibilities. Your involvement does make an impact on the child and family.


Fathers -- Don't know how to cook? Well, Nutribud Foods is at the rescue because our products are easy to make, and can prepare multiple recipes as per baby's age and taste.

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